Finally, we can thaw out and start thinking about things like pools, beaches, vacations, and fun summer travel. But where exactly does that leave your fur baby? Are you really ready for summer travel with pet?

We are dedicated to making sure your critter is taken care of whether they are coming along for the fun or staying at home enjoying some quality pupflix & chill time while their humans are on vacation. This month we will be sharing tons of tips & tricks to get your pet ready for summer traveling with or without you. I am also launching my new Facebook Live show Critter Chat with Crystal On Friday, May 11th at 10 am where I will be chatting with pet sitters, dog walkers, veterinarians, and animal experts from all over the country to give you their tips, tricks, and advice to keep your pets happy, healthy, and tails wagging.

Oh and don’t think we forgot about this month’s contest! Our year of celebrating 10-years of Sitter For Your Critter continues with:

  • THREE $100 gift cards to Sitter For Your Critter
  • Travel Kits with everything you might need while you are with or without your pets when you travel.

So make sure to swim on over our Facebook Page to watch Critter Chat with Crytal and make sure to enter to win to start your summer off right. (Click here to enter!)


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