There are lots of helpful infographics circulating social media concerning travel with pets, dangerous foods for animals, and tips for reducing anxiety.  We strongly support well-researched infographics but I thought this week we could showcase some organizations in our area that would love a little visit from Santa.  Many of us are aware of the rescues in our area and happily give what we can, especially towards the end of the year.  Below are some additional, local  nonprofits who do important work with animals.

Granite State Dog Recovery (GSDR)gsdr

GSDR is an astounding NH nonprofit that works to reunite lost dogs with their guardians and spends tireless hours tracking and rescuing dogs on the run.  In 2015, they helped reunite over 700 dogs.  One of their most recent saves was a dog left on her own in the Tamworth area for almost two years.  Now she is safe for the holidays.   Their Facebook page and website provide owners of missing dogs with the information and support they need to help bring their dog home.  Here’s a video that celebrates the reunions they’ve enabled this year.

Helping People Helping Pets (HPHP)

HPHP assists pet guardians at risk of losing their pets due to financial constraints hphpwith access to pet food, veterinary care, and prescription medications.  In addition to being our wonderful leader, SFYC owner Crystal is Executive Director.  HPHP always appreciates food and monetary donations and provides resources for hosting your own food drive to benefit HPHP.  Visit them on Facebook for some heartwarming updates and ways to support them.

Vested Interest in K-9’s (VIK9s)vik

While VIK9s is based in Mass, several NH police dogs have benefited from their dedication to K-9 units.  They provide bullet and stab resistant vests (as well as other equipment) to the canines of law enforcement across the country.  Follow them on Facebook to see their newest recipients and updates from handlers whose dogs have directly benefited from their vests. VIK9s always welcomes monetary donations and encourages individuals to sponsor or hold a fundraiser to support them.  Check out one of their most recent recipients, Max of Portsmouth PD!

We at Sitter for your Critter wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

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