When you take your dog on vacations with you, it’s likely that you’ll have to spend just as much time preparing them for the vacation trip as you do yourself. As well as all their bedding, blankets, towels, toys, food and treats, you need to get things like their documentation and medication together, and sort out a safe place for them to travel in. Although it can seem like there’s a lot of work to do, it’s all going to be worth it when you can share your memorable holiday experiences with your pet.

What you need

As well as everything they need from day-to-day, there are a few things in particular that you need to take care of before you go on holiday with your dog:

  • A permanent and up to date microchip
  • An up to date vaccination card, as well as a rabies vaccination if required
  • Make sure that they’ll be comfortable travelling in a car, crate or carrier for a long period of time

It’s also important to make sure that you stock up on some travelling essentials for your pet, as long journeys can be stressful so you need to make everything as comfortable as possible for them. Pheromone spray can be great for your dog’s carrier, and if you use it a few hours before travelling it can make them feel a lot calmer. Similarly, comfortable blankets and a toy or chew can help to keep them occupied and relaxed when you’re on the move.